Monday, August 13, 2012

F**k you Paul Ryan

Well everyone we are in the swing of things when it comes to the upcoming election and just when you thought that all of the reasons to dislike Mitt Romney had been all used up he went and picked Paul Ryan to be his running mate. Ladies and gentleman there is but one rule when it comes to picking a Vice President, when you are a douchebag you don't pick another douchebag to run with you.
off screen they are laughing at the poor

You see my loyal readers that when it comes to politics most people involved are totally unlikeable assholes. And really for the most part I can not blame them for that, their job involves taking it from behind from big business you tend to understand why these people are hateful bastards.
How I imagine the meetings go
 But just to prove how much of a douche Paul Ryan is lets do a little commentary on what he stands for because really me just telling you this would piss you off so lets have some fun with it.

1. His budget plan that was meant to counter Obama's would allow people like Romney to pay no income tax and pass the burden on to people like us. And really when you get right down to it you kind of understand why he feels this way, he wants to make life a bit easier for the assholes that have led this country to recession. Hell when he took this plan to his district in Wisconsin he was booed. If you can't convince the people that vote for you to go along with your obviously horrible plan then maybe its not a good idea.

2. He once called the Generals that stated they were OK with Obama's defense cuts that they were liars. Which really is like the pot calling the kettle black. Listen if you are ever in a situation where a known liar calls you a liar then you must be doing something right. This really is more about the fact that these people, these Republican assholes are only concerned with the way they view the world, any one who even questions this is a liar or as we have heard in the past not a member of Real America.
Real America from the last election
 I could go on about this guy but I feel that you as the reader can go along and find millions of other blog post and articles about this guy and you would all read the same thing. He is a terrible awful person, if you even considered voting for Mitt Romney before this, then I am sure this selection is not going to change your mind. I didn't even go into the fact that he wants to replace medicare with a voucher program that would not keep up with rising medical cost and would most likely cost us more money in the long run. And that and one point he voted to prevent gay couples from adopting which is an evil on a level I can describe. Mitt Romney has proven time and time again that he just doesn't know how to relate to us on any kind of level. He is a rich dickhead who thinks that the only rule that matters is who ever has the gold makes the rules. He is going to surround himself with like minded assholes who will only further the big business, pro evangelical Christian agenda to the detriment of the rest of us. I am not saying that Barrack Obama is the best man for the job but it seems that at this point we have discovered that Obama may just be the lesser of two evils. Till next time.

Oh and for those who would like to see here is Paul Ryan being Booed:
Also you should check out my guest blog on my friend David Zafra's blog where I review Beauty and the Beast.

Finally check me out on a guest Vlog on Daves of our Lives where we discuss customer service:

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