Thursday, May 10, 2012

Same-Sex Marriage: Really America?

You ever notice that when ever someone talks about same sex marriage in this country we are always willing to give the side of obvious bigotry the same amount of air time as the people who are basically saying hey whats wrong with equality. Originally I myself who had a socially conservative upbringing didn't have a problem with telling off people that I felt were of obvious lower moral standing then myself. However much as how we have evolved for generations as a species so too has my thoughts on this very topic.

To be honest with you when I think about what I used to say and think when it came to same sex marriage I have nothing but disgust for myself, I mean who am I a heterosexual male to tell a homosexual friend that I am somehow superior to them. To be honest when I really sat and thought about it, it made sense that people want to be treated equally, I mean hell as it is right now marriage has a 50% chance of survival from the get go. Yet I see all of these twice or three times divorced "conservative" politicians claim that they hold moral superiority to us when it comes to love and marriage.
This guy above is one of them men who is claiming that his 3 marriages are more sacred then a gay couple who wants to try and make one attempted marriage to work. This asshole who left one wife who was sick for a "better" wife. Yeah forgive me if I don't defer to this guy for advice on family raising.
American Tofu up here is another guy who will claim that marriage is a sacred union between a male and a female. The big thing with Romney is that he like all the others in this country who claim this increasingly outdated belief will state they don't have a problem with gays, its due to there bible which claims that homosexuality is wrong. Funny because they didn't seem to believe the old testament to continue following it. Its just now that they need to selectively pull bible verses to suit their own bigotry.

As you have already read by now President Obama has come out in favor of same sex marriage. Is it a political move, most likely, but at least now the president can finally say he was on the right side of history, because eventually all couples regardless of orientation will gain the right to marry as they should. And when the story is written and the movie is made and the villain is chosen the Social Conservatives will again be vilified for the petty assholes they are increasingly showing us that they are.

I can only hope that in the near future when we have moved on to our next civil rights issue we can look to this as we look to the civil rights movement and finally look at the issue and say hey that's not right. And this time instead of fighting for far too long on "morality" we instead just do whats right.

Till next time.